Monday, December 27, 2010

It's almost a new year!

For the most part I'm thinking, THANK GOODNESS! This past year has been a doozy in so many ways. Good and bad. My New Orleans Saints WON, yes I said WON the Super Bowl. Most of my family have been Saints fans since the beginning. Through good and bad, thick and thin, we stuck it out and finally reaped our rewards. Oh, and then on the baseball side, the Texas Rangers made it to the World Series. It's been a great year for my generally not so great sports teams. Also on the good side I got a really great job. I'm absolutely loving it and the folks I work with. Don't really want to touch on too many of the bad, except that I recently had some minor surgery. Something that I've dealt with before, but hopefully my doctor has fixed it once and for all. It's not been an easy past month, due to that, but thanks to my wonderful family that helped out ALOT and great people I work with and for I made it through. One more trip to the doctor this week and it should be done (fingers crossed).

Ok, side note here, I'm watching My Saints play the Falcons and the Falcons just scored. BOO

Anyway, I don't like to make New Year's resolutions because I don't stick to them. I usually am a failure by say, January 2nd. I do need to work on my weight and health and promised my doctor that I would do just that. There are some quilt projects I'm going to try to complete and something new I'm going to start, as soon as I order it online in a few days.

Mostly I'm going to keep on keeping on.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A New Journey

Well, in the past few weeks I've begun a new journey. I've started a full time job. So far I'm loving it. Love the people I work with. This is going to be so good for me. I all happened so quickly and I have to say I will always listen to any little voices in my head when they speak to me. ;) I had noticed the job online at a place I had previously applied for another position with and didn't get. I didn't do anything at first about the new position, but was sitting at my house on a Wednesday afternoon when that little voice in my held told me to check and see if it was still posted online. It was, so the voice then encouraged me to call and ask them to make sure it was available and then tell them I would like to be considered for it. I did. The next morning they called and asked me to come in at 1:30 to take a skills test. So, I did. Then not long after I returned home I was called back to interview. I interviewed that same afternoon with 2 of the girls in the department, I think there would have been about 3 or more additional people interviewing me at that time, but something was going on and they weren't able to. The next day the head of the department called me to come in to interview with her. Come to find out I was the last application they took and they had even narrowed down their choices when I called, but weren't totally thrilled with any of the others and then I came along. She offered me the position that day. I still had to take several other tests and even a polygraph. Passed everything and now I'm a full time working girl! WOO HOO Hopefully life will settle down soon and I'll be better blogger.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It just isn't right!!!

So, I live right smack dab in the center of tornado country. It's just something we deal with. I think that most places have something they have to deal with. Tornadoes, hurricanes, heat, cold, blizzards, etc. Oh and Earthquakes. I feel like each place should only have 1 thing they have to deal with. We deal with tornadoes. Nuff said. Not quite.....had a bit of a shake up this morning. Earthquake. We've had some before and the ironic thing is I was just thinking yesterday that I hadn't felt one in a while and wondered if they were still happening, because for a while they were happening quite often. So, sitting here this morning just after 9 am and the rumbling started. Usually I hear a rumble come down the street and then it feels and sounds like a wrecking ball hits the house and then it's done. Not today, the rumbling and rolling went on and on. At first they said it was a 4.5 now they're saying 4.3 That .2 difference means nothing to me. I didn't like it, not one little bit. No injuries have been reported, so that is good! But, can we just stick to one thing we have to deal with? PLEASE

On a happier note: The miners in Chile are being rescued. That is a happy thing. Praise God!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

This weekend

It was long, it was lazy. What else can I say? Well, if need be I can help, slightly, if you need to say compare and contrast the Jamestown Colony to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Not really my favorite thing to do, but my baby (I hope he never sees this) had an essay to write for History Class on this subject. I helped him get his thoughts together. We screamed at each other....A LOT. It's done and we're both still alive, so it's good.

I'm still nursing my back. I'm tired of hurting, but it's a lot better. Just hard to stand for long which is bad because I need to be able to stand next weekend. And walk. And laugh. I'll be with friends.

Oh yeah, I did have parent/teacher conferences Thurs. night and Friday morning. No big surprises. (why does the word surprises always look like it's spelled wrong to me?) I missed seeing a couple of teachers, though.

The biggest news of the weekend is bad news. A drunk driver drove through a field and crashed into the a/c unit at our middle school's band building early Sat. morning which caused a fire. Luckily it was the middle of the night and no one was in the building. Bad news, they have to use a different room for a while and the idiot got away. Will see the damage tomorrow when I take that baby of mine to school.

Now to go catch up on my Sunday night television viewing.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


No, not my darling sons, although they are precious to me. Although I don't think teenage boys like being called precious. And, not my dog, Chewie who is also precious. I'm talking about the movie "Precious". Have you seen it? I'd recommend it. It's not for the faint of heart. It was slightly ironic because my oldest son and I were in Walmart yesterday (don't get me started) and were looking around the movie section when I happened to mention to him I'd like to see it but didn't want to buy it and then there it was on tv last night. So I watched. Middle son watched some of it with me. I wanted to take in that girl and remove her from the life that she was in and show her what love is. I also wanted to hurt her mama, hurt her bad. So very sad to think children can be treated that way.

Tonight my tv viewing will be on the lighter side. Project Runway and The Real Housewives of Washington DC. I wonder if I'll want to hurt someone tonight?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm thinking I may not be cut out to be a blogger. But, maybe I'll keep trying for a while. I think about it, but don't post. Right now I'm on a journey....well, I guess we are all always on a journey of some sorts. My current journey is one of a job search. I need a job. I left my previous job for several reasons. Mostly person, but the bottom line is for my sanity, health and for my family I need a full-time job preferably with benefits. I had one interview, but didn't get the position. It's tough out there and even tougher when you basically spent the past 20 years as a stay at home mom. Many people will say it's the toughest job on earth, but few give you credit for it when looking at your credentials. At the same time last week I threw my back out. I've been walking very crooked. Oh wait, I mean to say my body is crooked when I stand up. Sitting isn't bad, depending on the position I'm in. Lying down is good, but standing for any length of time HURTS. I've done this off and on throughout the years. I mentioned today to my cousin that it seems to be slower at healing this time and she said that happens with age, or some sort of comment. Hmmmm Good thing she's my favoritest cousin in the universe.

Well, this is turning into a run on of stuff, isn't it? I need to learn to get my thoughts together before I blog, but I came in to blogger, did a little poking around as I still don't "get it all" as far as editing, backgrounds, layouts, etc, etc, etc. But now I've got to go remind some certain young men in this house that the trash needs to be gathered and taken out. Do they ever remember to do chores on their own?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Mom Journey

Today my middle son took and passed his driving test, becoming a newly licensed driver. Am I ready for this? Ask me later.

This got me to thinking about the journey of being a Mom. I've always wanted to document my journey to become a Mom. While I know mine wasn't near as difficult and many out there, at the time it was hard. Darn hard. Lots and lots of tears were shed. I have various reasons for wanting to document it. One being that I want my three wonderful sons to know how much they are loved and how badly I wanted them and how hard I worked to have them. Another being that in my mind I would like to think that I could possibly help others who are having a difficult journey becoming Moms. It'll probably take several entries to get it all down. (Let's just hope I don't wait so long between entries as I did between my last one and this one.)

So for tonight, I'm just getting it started by stating that I'm going to tell this story. I'm working to get my thoughts collected in my brain. I'll probably shed some more tears along the way, but
that's ok. Tears are cathartic. (did I spell that right, is that the right word).

But for now know, if you live in my area, beware, there's another newbie driver on the road. I'm going to attempt to attach a picture, but this will be my first. OK, so his pic is at the top, I'll learn.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Taxes are done

I'm pleased to report that my income taxes are done and e-filed. WHEW! I don't know why I always procrastinate doing them. Owe some money to Oklahoma this year. Oh well, could be worse, I guess. I still will need to help my son do his, but it shouldn't take long.

Been dealing with issues concerning my laptop. It died, it went to be fixed. The geeks needed recovery discs. Ordered from Toshiba. One is damaged. Spent a good amount of time on phone with Toshiba. Not happy. This has been the condensed version. I'll explain more at another time. I will be writing a letter to Toshiba (I'm sure they care, the 3 different people I talked to today were "very understanding about my frustration"). I'm sure their manual told them to say that.

Well, since this blog is just for me, just wanted to let myself know I'm still alive and ticking...sort of.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So, no one rescued me and taxes aren't quite done, mostly because I just keep putting them off. I have to do a little reading/research on something and I don't want to.

Since I haven't written anything for a few days, thought I'd put down in type a story that almost brought me to tears recently while shopping in JC Penney's. My middle son needed something fairly nice to wear for a school related outing to the state capital. My youngest needed some new every day shirts. His were easy, grab a couple of t-shirts that suited him and he was good to go. Middle son has to ponder each and every option, even if they were few. He finally had a couple of choices to go try on. As youngest and I were waiting we were wandering around. The store wasn't exactly crowded and no one was near us, so as we were cutting up and teasing each other I dared to reach out and give him a slight hug and kiss him on the top of his head. THE HORRORS! How dare I. He then proceeded to say in a loud tone, "Just great, now I have to go home and shower and sterilize or was it sanitize my hair!!". I was practically in tears. My baby! How dare he say this to me, out loud, for all the world to hear? Does he not realize I'm a hormonal pre-menopausal woman? Of course he doesn't. And, yes, I should know better than to kiss a pre-teen in public, but seriously, no one saw it. I did let my feelings be known. Fast forward to the next day when the two of us are in the grocery store, as we're walking down a main aisle, he reaches over and gives me a slight squeeze. His was of making up for it. Oh, and these days we have "THE POKE". He pokes me, which he's let me know means, "I love you". I poke him back. I still try to sneak in a kiss and a hug here and home. Hey, I'm the mom, I carried that long legged skinny kid in my belly for long nine months while he did stretches. I dealt with him when he cried pretty much 24/7 for the first two months of his life, unless he was nursing. I deserve a kiss or two. Now, if he ever finds out I have a blog and put this out in the internet....................THE HORRORS that will greet me.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Must do income taxes, must do income taxes, must do income taxes.....

if I'm not back soon, send out search and rescue!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Still ticking

I'm still ticking and despite what I said in my first post, I did actually travel. My friend, Mary, who I work for, and I went east to a retreat/quilt camp to both vend and retreat. We adore this group of gals and have the best time with them. I'll post more about it later, gotta get the pictures off the camera. The only real complaint I can have about the weekend is "The Snorer". UGH

A few days after returning home, my laptop decided to stop. Just stop. So it's at a computer hospital somewhere. I guess it's its turn to travel. Luckily, being only 6 months old it's under warranty. Oh, did you back up Ma'am? Um, no. Did my son back up his school stuff. Um, no. So, yes, there was a hefty fee to try to get stuff off the hard drive before it goes on its trip. Oh, and while we were there, or actually, after going home and getting the old computer tower, they checked it (for no fee) to see if it was dead or the old monitor. It was the old monitor. So, we now own a new monitor. Why didn't I do that 6 months ago instead of buying a laptop? Don't ask. I'm trying to avoid that question and answer myself. So, hopefully, in 2 or 3 weeks we'll be a 2 computer family.

Have a good night folks. (as if anyone is going to read this but me)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Been sitting here for a coupla days trying to figure out what to say first. Ok, so I may not have sat here for a coupla days, but I have been trying to decide how to get this blog started. I may wind up being a really bad blogger, but I've been thinking about giving it a try for a while now, so here goes. Don't be fooled into thinking that "Sew Many Journeys" means I go on trips all of the time, I don't. I'm thinking of the different journeys of life. I'll be talking about things going on in my life as well as journeys I've taken in the past. "Sew" is just because I like to sew, quilts, not clothes. It may take me a while to figure out all the ins and outs of blogging, be patient with me, Ok?