I just finished basting a very special quilt for a special person, sorry no pictures at this time. But, I do have one thing to say...I'M TOO STINKING OLD to crawl around on the floor basting a quilt! And it's not really a big quilt, lap size. I'm very anxious to start handquilting it. Handquilting is very therapeutic to me and I am in dire need of some therapy these days.
This past weekend I spent in my home town with some of my family. We did a river float on tubes and rafts. So much fun, except the word is out about this spot and it was a bit too crowded for my liking. Still fun and relaxing. EXCEPT when we were in the middle of the river and I realized the bone head mistake my sister and I had made. We were in 2 vehicles, hers and mine. We took mine over to the get out point and drove hers back over to the get in point. We had a couple of water tight boxes for keys and phones and stuff like that. So, she brilliantly puts her keys in the box and tells me to just leave mine in her glove box. Ok, so you're probably brighter than we were at the moment and realize the boneheadedness (yes that's a work in my vocabulary). So, we're floating along and it hits me what we did. We had no keys for the car at the get out point. Luckily there is a shuttle and she paid a couple of bucks to get a ride to her car and all was well. Except that this will go down in family history. You know, one of those stories that everyone brings up at each and every family get together. I did pretty good this time. Last year when we went I didn't use proper sun screen and was completely blistered. This year I reapplied every time we took a break. Got a little burn on my back that itches like crazy, but nothing serious!
The boys are outside watching the fireworks show our city is putting on at a nearby park.
I'm so proud to call this country my home!
Mama Kai Kai
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