For the most part I'm thinking, THANK GOODNESS! This past year has been a doozy in so many ways. Good and bad. My New Orleans Saints WON, yes I said WON the Super Bowl. Most of my family have been Saints fans since the beginning. Through good and bad, thick and thin, we stuck it out and finally reaped our rewards. Oh, and then on the baseball side, the Texas Rangers made it to the World Series. It's been a great year for my generally not so great sports teams. Also on the good side I got a really great job. I'm absolutely loving it and the folks I work with. Don't really want to touch on too many of the bad, except that I recently had some minor surgery. Something that I've dealt with before, but hopefully my doctor has fixed it once and for all. It's not been an easy past month, due to that, but thanks to my wonderful family that helped out ALOT and great people I work with and for I made it through. One more trip to the doctor this week and it should be done (fingers crossed).
Ok, side note here, I'm watching My Saints play the Falcons and the Falcons just scored. BOO
Anyway, I don't like to make New Year's resolutions because I don't stick to them. I usually am a failure by say, January 2nd. I do need to work on my weight and health and promised my doctor that I would do just that. There are some quilt projects I'm going to try to complete and something new I'm going to start, as soon as I order it online in a few days.
Mostly I'm going to keep on keeping on.
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