So, recently, like right around Thanksgiving, I had to have some "minor" surgery for recurring problem. Hopefully and prayerfully the doctor fixed it for good this time. This problem involves pain that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. So, then the strangest thing happened the night before last. I was sitting, watching tv, working crossword puzzle or whatever and my chin felt a little itchy, tingly. Figured I was getting a stupid breakout. You know, those pesky things that you get in your teen/puberty years and then lo and behold they can continue and then pre-menopause hits and you can get some "zingers". So as time goes on, not much time it grows and grows. Before long it's like my chin has a ball on it. What the......? Then before I know it my whole chin area and jaw are swollen along with my lower lip. It was quite strange and grotesque. I tried hard not to freak out, but of course my wonderful darling boys were quite freaked. I took some benedryl and stayed up a while to make sure it didn't get horribly worse. Finally went to bed hoping and praying that it would be miraculously gone in the morning. NO SUCH LUCK. Went on to work and called the doctor's office as soon as they were open. Needless to say, my regular MD is off on Wednesdays, but they got me in to someone else. Blood test was taken to make sure it wasn't some odd infection, but nope, what I figured, allergic reaction. But to what? My main culprits at this point in time are either eggs or tuna fish. Tuna would be the easiest to give up. I mean, I really don't eat a ton of eggs just out right, but then you start thinking about all the things they are in. You know, all the majorly important foods. Cakes, cookies, etc etc. Anyway, I got a steroid shot, was ordered to go home, take benedryl on a regular basis and put ice on the swelling. Luckily this morning it was pretty much back to normal. I will be calling and discussing this with my regular doctor. I feel the need to some how get tested and find out exactly what it is that caused it. Will it be worse next time? Do I need to start carrying an epi-pen? I'm now reading all labels like crazy and am afraid to eat some things. Unfortunately, I think the steroid shot has given me the munchies. That's my story, anyway, and I'm sticking to it!