Sunday, October 9, 2011

Grocery Shopping with the Husband

I know better, I really do, but we went together. That man is a grocery store's delight. The ultimate impulse shopper. Even without a list I know what we need and what we'll use. I get in there and mean business, especially with as crowded as it was today. I stayed at least a 1/2 an aisle ahead of him because he has to stop and peruse everything. Extremely annoying. That said, he came home and cooked a pretty good gumbo for supper.

Great news: we've gotten a good bit of much much much needed rain.

Off to watch those Jersey Wives....don't judge me, it's a hoot!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Beautiful Meatballs

Recently while out running errands and trying to find a station with a song I could bop to, I got to get a little giggle in and a flashback to fun times past with my fellas. If my memory is correct we were traveling home after visiting family and a song was on the radio. Mind you, my family has much different musical tastes than I do, but as this song played giggles were coming from the back of the vehicle. So, what was the song you ask? "The Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson *please know I am NOT a fan* However my boys were hearing it as "The Beautiful Meatballs". Listen to the song sometime and see if you hear people or meatballs. Go ahead and giggle.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


So, for some reason the previous entry would not post last night, or rather early this morning when I wrote it but I just got it to post so it may seems strange. I still have to learn about how blogs work. Maybe if I did them a little more often.

Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic

Two of my fellas go back to school tomorrow. Who gave them permission to grow up anyway? Middle guys is a Senior this year. DO WHAT! What happened to the kid I know with no patience even before birth so he kicked his way out a month early? Oh yeah, he still has no patience, he's so ready to be done with school. The only saving grace is that he has Vo-Tech which means welding for 3 of his 7 classes. He loves welding. Last year was his first year in it and the first day he got to weld I received a text from him at lunch stating that "welding is the best thing I've ever done in my life". (If he ever finds out I have a blog and knows I put this out there for anyone to see, he won't talk to me for a whiole). Then there is "my baby". My baby is in 9th grade this year. He's a Freshman. NO he's my baby! Where's the little guy that carried around his favorite blanket and hung on to my leg whenever he was in an uncomfortable situation?
This mama bear got a little put out yesterday at open house and has to step on her soap box a sec. Me and my baby are walking around looking for his classrooms, trying to get him oriented and meet his teachers and this woman passes us and comments on on cute and little he is. I'm sorry, if he were big would you comment on that? If he were disabled? Why is ok to comment on someone who is small? Can he help it if he's skinny, trust me the kid can eat and does. It's in his genes, I was skinny..............once upon a time, his dad is still fairly skinny and from what I hear was really small for his age for a long time, hit the growth spurt kind of late. Well I can tell that woman one thing, my baby may not be a big hulking football player but I bet he can whoop her baby in a math test! SO THERE!
Wish I could share a pic of my two fellas (and I better quit calling one of them a baby in case they ever discover this blog) but they hide when cameras come out.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Possible Completion

A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..... Ok, so maybe not really, but a couple of years ago, despite having made a few quilts by teaching myself, I decided to take a beginner quilting class so I could learn some good tips and techniques you just don't get from reading books or watching tv. In the class you actually make 4 blocks, one with regular piecing, one with triangles, one with curves, and one with machine applique. I didn't really want a wall hanging so I had planned to add more blocks. Fast forward to recently when I dug that sucker out and got back to work on it. I wound up making a total of 12 blocks, plus did cornerstones and sashing. Now why is it a "Possible Completion" you ask? I'll tell you why. I don't have fabric left to do a border and I think it needs one. Well, that's sort of a lie (can you sort of lie?) I might could do a pieced border with the scraps I have, but I really don't want to work that hard. Possibly, just possibly I could buy some more fabric that works. Hmmm. Is anyone out there? What do you think?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sorry about the test

I was trying to see if I could post from my phone. Hmmm. I could get the title but it wouldn't let me click in the box to put any body of text. I will have to work on that. Just thought I might be a better blogger if I could post from my phone since with 3 guys residing in the house age 20 or under I get less and less time on the laptop and the desk top is probably on it's last leg. :( If anyone reads this and posts from a so called "smart phone" tell me your secret.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One More Day

My two guys who are still in school, oh wait, strike that, they all go to school, but one is in college taking a few courses here and there, but two are still in school school. Make sense? Anyway, they only have 1 more day of school. UNBELIEVABLE! I have to admit it will be nice not to have to make sure everyone is up and going in the morning. Plus, my house will be cleaner, because like it or not, I leave them a list of chores every morning to do that day. Now, I'm not a slave driver, but a chore or two every day and then things are done and they are not playing video games all day. One of them may wind up looking for a part time job. Summer vacation is upon us!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A journey for our military!

It's been a long hard journey for our WONDERFUL MILITARY, but they have accomplished something that many people thought would never happen. OSAMA BIN LADEN was killed at the hands of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MILITARY. Our military is the greatest! Thank you all for everything you do to insure the freedoms I enjoy, which includes being able to freely write on my blog that YOU ARE THE BEST!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Medical journeys, no pictures allowed

So, recently, like right around Thanksgiving, I had to have some "minor" surgery for recurring problem. Hopefully and prayerfully the doctor fixed it for good this time. This problem involves pain that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. So, then the strangest thing happened the night before last. I was sitting, watching tv, working crossword puzzle or whatever and my chin felt a little itchy, tingly. Figured I was getting a stupid breakout. You know, those pesky things that you get in your teen/puberty years and then lo and behold they can continue and then pre-menopause hits and you can get some "zingers". So as time goes on, not much time it grows and grows. Before long it's like my chin has a ball on it. What the......? Then before I know it my whole chin area and jaw are swollen along with my lower lip. It was quite strange and grotesque. I tried hard not to freak out, but of course my wonderful darling boys were quite freaked. I took some benedryl and stayed up a while to make sure it didn't get horribly worse. Finally went to bed hoping and praying that it would be miraculously gone in the morning. NO SUCH LUCK. Went on to work and called the doctor's office as soon as they were open. Needless to say, my regular MD is off on Wednesdays, but they got me in to someone else. Blood test was taken to make sure it wasn't some odd infection, but nope, what I figured, allergic reaction. But to what? My main culprits at this point in time are either eggs or tuna fish. Tuna would be the easiest to give up. I mean, I really don't eat a ton of eggs just out right, but then you start thinking about all the things they are in. You know, all the majorly important foods. Cakes, cookies, etc etc. Anyway, I got a steroid shot, was ordered to go home, take benedryl on a regular basis and put ice on the swelling. Luckily this morning it was pretty much back to normal. I will be calling and discussing this with my regular doctor. I feel the need to some how get tested and find out exactly what it is that caused it. Will it be worse next time? Do I need to start carrying an epi-pen? I'm now reading all labels like crazy and am afraid to eat some things. Unfortunately, I think the steroid shot has given me the munchies. That's my story, anyway, and I'm sticking to it!