So, no one rescued me and taxes aren't quite done, mostly because I just keep putting them off. I have to do a little reading/research on something and I don't want to.
Since I haven't written anything for a few days, thought I'd put down in type a story that almost brought me to tears recently while shopping in JC Penney's. My middle son needed something fairly nice to wear for a school related outing to the state capital. My youngest needed some new every day shirts. His were easy, grab a couple of t-shirts that suited him and he was good to go. Middle son has to ponder each and every option, even if they were few. He finally had a couple of choices to go try on. As youngest and I were waiting we were wandering around. The store wasn't exactly crowded and no one was near us, so as we were cutting up and teasing each other I dared to reach out and give him a slight hug and kiss him on the top of his head. THE HORRORS! How dare I. He then proceeded to say in a loud tone, "Just great, now I have to go home and shower and sterilize or was it sanitize my hair!!". I was practically in tears. My baby! How dare he say this to me, out loud, for all the world to hear? Does he not realize I'm a hormonal pre-menopausal woman? Of course he doesn't. And, yes, I should know better than to kiss a pre-teen in public, but seriously, no one saw it. I did let my feelings be known. Fast forward to the next day when the two of us are in the grocery store, as we're walking down a main aisle, he reaches over and gives me a slight squeeze. His was of making up for it. Oh, and these days we have "THE POKE". He pokes me, which he's let me know means, "I love you". I poke him back. I still try to sneak in a kiss and a hug here and home. Hey, I'm the mom, I carried that long legged skinny kid in my belly for long nine months while he did stretches. I dealt with him when he cried pretty much 24/7 for the first two months of his life, unless he was nursing. I deserve a kiss or two. Now, if he ever finds out I have a blog and put this out in the internet....................THE HORRORS that will greet me.