Monday, March 29, 2010

Taxes are done

I'm pleased to report that my income taxes are done and e-filed. WHEW! I don't know why I always procrastinate doing them. Owe some money to Oklahoma this year. Oh well, could be worse, I guess. I still will need to help my son do his, but it shouldn't take long.

Been dealing with issues concerning my laptop. It died, it went to be fixed. The geeks needed recovery discs. Ordered from Toshiba. One is damaged. Spent a good amount of time on phone with Toshiba. Not happy. This has been the condensed version. I'll explain more at another time. I will be writing a letter to Toshiba (I'm sure they care, the 3 different people I talked to today were "very understanding about my frustration"). I'm sure their manual told them to say that.

Well, since this blog is just for me, just wanted to let myself know I'm still alive and ticking...sort of.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So, no one rescued me and taxes aren't quite done, mostly because I just keep putting them off. I have to do a little reading/research on something and I don't want to.

Since I haven't written anything for a few days, thought I'd put down in type a story that almost brought me to tears recently while shopping in JC Penney's. My middle son needed something fairly nice to wear for a school related outing to the state capital. My youngest needed some new every day shirts. His were easy, grab a couple of t-shirts that suited him and he was good to go. Middle son has to ponder each and every option, even if they were few. He finally had a couple of choices to go try on. As youngest and I were waiting we were wandering around. The store wasn't exactly crowded and no one was near us, so as we were cutting up and teasing each other I dared to reach out and give him a slight hug and kiss him on the top of his head. THE HORRORS! How dare I. He then proceeded to say in a loud tone, "Just great, now I have to go home and shower and sterilize or was it sanitize my hair!!". I was practically in tears. My baby! How dare he say this to me, out loud, for all the world to hear? Does he not realize I'm a hormonal pre-menopausal woman? Of course he doesn't. And, yes, I should know better than to kiss a pre-teen in public, but seriously, no one saw it. I did let my feelings be known. Fast forward to the next day when the two of us are in the grocery store, as we're walking down a main aisle, he reaches over and gives me a slight squeeze. His was of making up for it. Oh, and these days we have "THE POKE". He pokes me, which he's let me know means, "I love you". I poke him back. I still try to sneak in a kiss and a hug here and home. Hey, I'm the mom, I carried that long legged skinny kid in my belly for long nine months while he did stretches. I dealt with him when he cried pretty much 24/7 for the first two months of his life, unless he was nursing. I deserve a kiss or two. Now, if he ever finds out I have a blog and put this out in the internet....................THE HORRORS that will greet me.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Must do income taxes, must do income taxes, must do income taxes.....

if I'm not back soon, send out search and rescue!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Still ticking

I'm still ticking and despite what I said in my first post, I did actually travel. My friend, Mary, who I work for, and I went east to a retreat/quilt camp to both vend and retreat. We adore this group of gals and have the best time with them. I'll post more about it later, gotta get the pictures off the camera. The only real complaint I can have about the weekend is "The Snorer". UGH

A few days after returning home, my laptop decided to stop. Just stop. So it's at a computer hospital somewhere. I guess it's its turn to travel. Luckily, being only 6 months old it's under warranty. Oh, did you back up Ma'am? Um, no. Did my son back up his school stuff. Um, no. So, yes, there was a hefty fee to try to get stuff off the hard drive before it goes on its trip. Oh, and while we were there, or actually, after going home and getting the old computer tower, they checked it (for no fee) to see if it was dead or the old monitor. It was the old monitor. So, we now own a new monitor. Why didn't I do that 6 months ago instead of buying a laptop? Don't ask. I'm trying to avoid that question and answer myself. So, hopefully, in 2 or 3 weeks we'll be a 2 computer family.

Have a good night folks. (as if anyone is going to read this but me)